Solarpatch is a unique and copyright protected repair kit
It s a prepreg FRC (pre impregnated fiber reinforced composite) which hardens bysimply using the sunlight.
Fast and easy, it allows emergency repairs, temporary or permanently.
It is very easy to apply, no mix is needed, and the hardening time is very short.
Instructions for use:
1 /dry, sand and blow away the dust on the repair area.
2 /Protected against sunlight
Open the blister, and peel off the blue film.
Apply that side of Solarpatch directly on your board.
Smooth down the other side with your finger without peeling off the transparent film
3 / Exposed to direct sunlight(or artificial UV ) :
Let it harden 5 or 8 min, depending on the solar strength
Peel off the remaining transparent film, you can go back to the water immediately.
After drying and using it in the water, it is possible to sand the solarpatch lightly andto paint it to get a perfect finish.