Calshot Guide



Calshot Spit is a great location for learning to Wingsurf, Kitesurf, Windsurf, SUP & Kayak with a variety of sailing conditions from butter flat water behind the shingle bars at mid-low water, right through to rolling swell at high tide on the Solent.

You can build your skills up in the sheltered corner of Calshot spit before challenging yourself on the Solent right outside 24-7 Boardsports!

There is a NPR parking system - just pull through the barriers and pay at the machine when you are ready to leave.

Toliets - located at the main building for Calshot Activities Centre.

Cafe - also located in the main building.


24-7 Boardsports is not responsible for and cannot vouch for the accuracy or availability of the data sources and forecasts linked to from this web site. 

Solent Hazards
  • Shipping lane
  • Groins
  • Marker pole
  • Crab pots
  • Sea floor debris 
Pond Hazards
  • Moorings
  • Channel markers
  • Marker buoys 
Top Tips
  • Check out our Webcam
  • Take out insurance.
  • Always wear a leash and a buoyancy aid that fits you.
  • With wind sports it is a good idea to wear a helmet.
  • A pair of beach shoes is recommended at Calshot as the shingle is sharp.
  • Get a Kite pass details below.
  • If in doubt don't go out!
  • Call us to check the conditions are right 02380894000


The Solent has two high tides, it is best to go out an hour before the first high to get maximum time on the water and avoid hitting the muddy floor in the lagoon or the sharp shingle banks on the Solent side of the beach. 

Beware that the water can go out quickly so be sure that you can make it back to the beach before getting stick in the mud.

Checkout a wealth of tide and wind information at Bramblemet and ABP the port authority for Southampton. We also sell the physical tide table in store.

Take note that the tide comes in at Calshot slightly earlier than at Southampton docks!

The general sea state depends on the wind direction and also the state of tide:

  • At lowish tides there is an area of flat water off the beach which begins to lump up as you get further out.
  • At high tide the water state can be quite lumpy but there is little in the way of shore break provided that you chose you’re launch point carefully.
  • As the tide turns against wind the water can become quite confused and choppy making sailing quite challenging.
  • The Bramble bank out in the middle of the Solent can give some quite large waves but you will have to ride over the shipping channel to reach it.
  • There is a wide variety of different sea states allowing you to use anything between flat water and moderate rolling swell if you know where to find it.

Wind Direction

The best wind direction is South West as it means you can go in and out off the beach on both sides of Calshot in nice strong clean wind.

Calshot works in a variety of wind directions depending on what sport you do. We have broken it down for you below:


 Calshot Wind direction


Calshot is prime for learning to wingsurf and wingfoil.

Out on the lagoon you have nice easy flat water with a curved beach that can walk back up on if you drift downwind.

When you are ready you can go out onto the Solent and enjoy the waves that can be surprisingly big on the windier days.

Wind Direction

N - Can be choppy in stronger wind speeds.

NNW | NW - Onshore wind you have paddle out and be able to ride upwind away from the beach.

W | WSW - A bit gusty cross on shore wind.

SW | SSW  - The nicest wind, flat and cross shore.

S - A bit gusty cross off shore.


N - Cross off shore.

NE | ENE - Cross on shore.

E - Becoming more on shore. Paddle out from the beach and get riding up wind.

SE - On shore. 

S -  Cross on shore.

SW | SSW- Cross shore the nicest conditions.



Blast about on flat water around low tide or play in the chop at high tide. For wavy chop get set up an hour before first high.

Turn up at second tide tide for a low water session, by the time you have had a chin wag and set up the water will be flattening off for a butter smooth session.

For anyone practicing you want that low water session too so you can stand up.

Kiting at Calshot can only be from the Solent side from begining of March to the start of November.

Winter riding in the lagoon can be from the end of Calshot from November to the end of March.

The launch for kiters in the winter is from the beach by the Sopwith hangar at the far end (North) of Calshot.

Kite Pass - to kitesurf at Calshot you need to agree to the rules and purchase a kite pass. It can be purchased off the council here.

On neap tides there is a large shallow lagoon formed on the Solent side of the shingle bank giving chest to knee deep water up to 500 yards off shore all day long making it an ideal spot for learning.

The bank (just above water level at this state of tide) gives a very good safety stop in a south-Westerly Wind.


Wind Direction

N | NW  Winter riding only.

N - Choppy cross on wind.

NW - Flatter on shore wind. Stay up wind away from the moorings on the inside.


NE - Cross shore wind. With flat water from the shingle bar that extends out. You will be blown down wind away from this towards the beach huts. Be sure you cans stay up wind.

E - Cross on Shore, you begin to be blown onto the beach, be able to body drag out and stay up wind.

SE - On shore, ride in mid to low water, you can use the shingle bank to walk out away from the beach to give yourself space.

S - Often doesn't work too well as the Isle of Wight can block this wind.

SW- Nice clean cross shore wind the best and safest condition.



Again learning to Windsurf is easy at Calshot, you can test your skills in the safety of the inner bay or bump and jump out in the Solent chop.

Wind Direction

N - Can be choppy in stronger wind speeds.

NNW | NW - Onshore wind you have paddle out and be able to ride upwind away from the beach.

W | WSW - A bit gusty cross on shore wind.

SW | SSW  - The nicest wind, flat and cross shore.

S - A bit gusty cross off shore.


N - Cross off shore.

NE | ENE - Cross on shore.

E - Becoming more on shore. Paddle out from the beach and get riding up wind.

SE - On shore. 

S -  Cross on shore.

SW | SSWCross shore the nicest conditions.

You can windsurf in any direction at Calshot.

South East wind will be the most challenging and for the most experience as the wind is on shore on the Solent side and off shore in the lagoon.

You might want to check out Meon shore in this direction.

In a West South West wind Lepe beach can often have a cleaner stronger wind.


SUP & Kayaking/Canoeing

The sheltered lagoon is fantastic for exploring and learning to Paddle Board and Kayak. 

More advanced paddle boarders can even visit the Jolly Sailor for lunch in Ashlet Creek, just don't be tempted to have too many tipples and get lost on the way back!

Ashlet Creek dries out at low tide just like Calshot, so timing is important to do this trip without getting stranded!

Wind Direction

We wouldn't recommend going out in winds more than 15 knots or 17 miles per hour.

N | NW - A West and North West wind will blow you away from the shore on the Solent side.

E -  an East wind will blow you from the beach in the lagoon.